Monday, May 29, 2006

Because pictures make it better...

This one has been on the table for so long it's fading from the sunlight that enters through the reopened blinds.

Uh, okay...

Mastery of tape: F - unacceptable.

Did a 6-year old with Parkinson's write this?

Because you're too old to change it back?

F. Ken Fleckenstein says, "...

I'm sorry many of the notes referenced in my first post are no longer in the house. Eventually, the adhesive dried out and the notes fell. Whenever new notes are created, I will photograph them immediately and post them on this blog.

I'm also entertaining ideas for notes I could post before moving. I won't tape up blatant personal attacks, but if they're funny, please send them, too.


Anonymous said...

You crack me up bro. Great post.

Bryce said...

"Please don't tape notes directly on walls. It ruins the paint. Thanks :)"