Sunday, July 16, 2006

Intolerable heat.

Today, Denver set a new record high temperature. It was 103 degrees outside. Currently, it is 92 degrees inside the apartment home I share with an insufferable, intolerable, inconceivably cheap, passive-aggressive, swimsuit-wearing, non-air conditioning-using, obsessive-compulsive, note-leaving old woman. To mitigate the high temperatures, we've opened a window and turned on a fan. That ought to take care of everything. I think I feel it cooling down already. In the interest of not making anyone nauseous, I will not include any photos with this short post.

1 comment:

Bryce said...

This is the same kind of hot summer as back during the Son of Sam murders. So if your neighbor's dog starts talking to you, get to somewhere with AC fast. Good luck.